Preparing the Trial of Barack Hussein Obama

By: Cliff Kincaid

When he left the White House and let China Joe take over the Oval Office, President Trump made a big mistake. But another big mistake came earlier when he failed to launch a criminal prosecution of Barack Hussein Obama. That is the subject of my report, “The Criminal Trial of Barack Hussein Obama,” making the case for his prosecution and imprisonment.

I have just sent Rep. James Comer of the House Oversight Committee a letter requesting a criminal referral against Obama. Read it here. He must move beyond the Biden Crime Family to the real source of the problem.

For his part, Trump was given bad advice by such people as Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by Trump after he said Bannon had “lost his mind.” Bannon had no understanding of who or what Obama was. Trump was in the dark as well.

Today, Bannon is staking his career on Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, whose motion to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson was supported by only 11 Republicans. Her demand for zero funding for Ukraine led to the moniker “Moscow Marjorie.”

It is sad. She does a lot of good work. But on Ukraine, she and other “Republicans” like Stephen K. Bannon have embarrassed themselves.

The problem is not aid to Ukraine; it is not enough aid. Similarly, Biden (Obama) wants Israel to lose its war against Hamas. These are no-win wars that benefit our enemies. The solution, however, is not to let Ukraine and Israel be slaughtered by their enemies. The solution is a new president who wants to defeat Russia and China and save America from Obama-style Marxism.

Greene is a lightweight on foreign policy. No, she is worse than that. She is a dupe of the Russians.

Speaker Mike Johnson is not the problem. Biden is not the problem. It is Obama. He is behind the policies that have given us wars in Europe and the Middle East. He is behind the open borders.

His main strategist Steve Phillips declares in a new book that they will “WIN” the civil war. That is the war we find ourselves in.

This is not to say that the House Republicans have not made serious mistakes. They expelled Rep. George Santos, who fudged the facts about his background. But it was Barack Hussein Obama who campaigned under false pretenses as a Christian when he was a Marxist mole with sympathies for radical Islam. His policies are still guiding the Biden Administration.

Despite predictions of a MAGA Red Wave on November 8, 2022, Barack Hussein Obama pulled it off. America’s first Marxist president emerged from the shadows and orchestrated a Democratic Party comeback that has effectively blocked any Republican effort in Congress to root out communism and corruption. This is not Speaker Johnson’s fault.

The puppet master behind China Joe, Obama understands Marxist strategies of gaining and maintaining power. He outmaneuvered the naïve MAGA Republicans who believed their own propaganda of a Red Tsunami.

Stephen K. Bannon and other self-proclaimed MAGA spokesmen had predicted massive Republican gains, including 50 seats or more in the House. Republicans obtained a slim House majority and now Bannon and Greene take it out on Speaker Johnson. President Trump, however, is strongly backing Johnson’s efforts to hold the Republicans in the House together.

Meanwhile, Obama strategist Steve Phillips’ new book on How We Win the Civil War
is mobilizing the Marxist political machine.

The MAGA movement needs to understand how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships. A good place to start is the 1961 House Committee on Un-American Activities analysis of the book How Parliament Can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism. It is one of the most amazing Communist documents of our time.

Obama is committed to winning not only the new American Civil War but what Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, calls a “planetary civil war.” We are in the middle of this revolution, which has been carried forward by Barack Hussein Obama, as we saw in his appearances on the campaign trail in 2022. He is the real power behind China Joe and has already been on the campaign trial this year, too.

I recently got this piece of fan mail:

“I think I’m your biggest fan. I discovered you through Trevor Loudon. U2 are my favorites. I constantly put your videos up on all social media platforms. Trevor has millions of videos but I don’t have that many for you. Is there somewhere I can access all your videos so I can blast them all over social media? I remember hearing you speak once and you said that YouTube screwed you and removed all your videos. Hopefully You have them backed up somewhere. Your biggest supporter.”

This was encouraging. But he failed to donate. He does not realize how difficult it is to maintain a non-profit educational organization and comply with all federal and state regulations. Under massive attack and censorship, we have been defunded and are currently in debt.

With your support, we intend to return to social media with some of our 500 anti-communist videos that were censored by YouTube. But I must get current with the rules and regulations and that means thousands of dollars for audits and registrations with the states. Not to mention filing a 990 form with the IRS. That is the reality.

Thank you in advance for your support.

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