1 thought on “Allen West at Brigitte Gabriel’s Act! for America Conference 6/23/11

  1. And in a related story a Sharia Law compliant building near the WH. Hear we go off into Sharia land.


    The builders of Ave Maria, whose name is Latin for Hail Mary, have been struggling to get the message out that anyone can live here ever since Monaghan’s headline-grabbing comments in 2005, when the site was still just a sod farm. Monaghan told a Catholic group at the time that the town would be governed by Roman Catholic principles. He said stores wouldn’t carry contraceptives or pornography, and cable TV would have no adult channels.

    In response, a Wall Street Journal opinion column quoted a critic of Ave Maria as calling it a “Catholic Jonestown.” The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida threatened to sue. Critics called it un-American. And Monaghan backed off.



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